
Posts Tagged ‘fear’

Wanderings along new and worn paths. Wanderings these days are simple to add to a growing collection. All you have right now is what’s on you and inside you. Unburdened by dusty ornaments. How much can you gain by taking away?

Setting off on foot, cosied in a warm jacket, scarf, cap and supported by decent shoes upon a route mostly driven. One route, no roads forking. It’s difficulty is it’s ease.

South Queensferry to North, via a now less used bridge. Buses, Taxis and motorcycles. Any ordinary Tuesday.

A big bus speeds by. It unsteadies what felt rigid under foot. A fright shakes your legs and churns your tummy when you stand, looking across murky water and listening to a train on a picturesque Rail Bridge. Feel it shaking when standing still, but not when absorbed in walking rhythm.

You marvel and beam at its architecture, construction and maintenance. Initial awe settles and you begin to free senses and notice thoughts more close and with ease.

Saunter shoreside, a cold wind to take an acne attack off your face.

This Walking wish, no longer a dream. Holidays do not impose a duty upon chores and your daren’t test lifeboats. But you wonder from high up here, how cold it is way down there and what might happen to your body when with water it connects. How solid a surface until your body strikes it and makes that noise?

Dizzy looking down, a strange pleasure. But fear strikes a step back. Bring your attention upon a distant yet close rail bridge. Eyes play tricks.

Just walk again, get on with it. Ramble indirect routes, but stay within boundaries of road and solid rail. Roam frequented lanes marshalled by thick white lines. One for pedestrians, another for bikes.

Glum tan water flows North, wintery solemn reflections upon depressions gate.

Turn around after a brief visit to North Queensferry. A listen under UNESCO’s Forth Rail Bridge. Its eerie and assuring that this structure is solid and works well.

Feel your calves and thighs stretch and ache scaling a hundred-plus steps. And walk free again at pace into a light sweat at altitude.

To health, gather thoughts and breathe slow. Thrash out emotions of recent events, no one to see tears flow. Happenings from which there appears no holiday. 

Clouds streak, twelve o clock shards of light escape and gain independence. Nice to make use of a break in showers.

You bow your head contemplating. Soon you’ll return to your house where a loving home was created. 

This life, these days, yet this wondrous life is fading, but still, much to do.

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There’s pain in betrayal
In walking out with her new partner,
No shame, no guilt, it seemed.

The children tucked up, cosy in bed
Under blankets of warmth and security,
Heads propped softly on their pillows.

Caring so much can really hurt
Sore, yet his love for his children multiplied.
Now she, Amy, was not returning.

Yes, there was family, friends and neighbours,
Unlimited offers of kind support, yet
His bed lay half empty, Or sometimes, half full.

The little, once irksome things, no longer mattered.
But Shining for his children and in this situation did,
And It mattered much.

Life was now different,
Times when his children asked after their mother began to fade.
Moments of tears and sadness still blotted a new normality, but less frequent.

There was a new framework
New Rebuilding.
Wounds healing, slowly transforming amidst the memories.

Enduring change
While sprinkling soothing love and joy,
Lessening stresses along their way.

Coping admirably, survival through darkness,
Perspectives altered through the suffering,
The renewed enjoyment of story time.

Hidden strengths and abilities revealing themselves,
Living continues, hearts beat
Moving and moving on and on.

Now standing firm through times of hardship,
Relationships filtered, some enhanced and strengthened, some went.
Appreciating the value of people more.

A deeper understanding of the insignificant things in life.
Little and less time to waste.
Forgiving, accepting.

And the sweet little voice asked,
“Daddy, where is mummy, why did she leave us?”
“I don’t know Amy, I really don’t know, but do you know what? I hope she’s happy now, for without her, we wouldn’t be together.”
“That’s nice Daddy, but I still miss her sometimes.”
“Thats ok, So do I, so do I.”
“Will you leave us?”

There was a pause, tears formed and flowed.
“No Amy, no I won’t, I couldn’t, I love you all too much”, he smiled.
“Night dad, loves you!”
“Night Amy, love you too, so much.”

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